Today I went and saw The Princess and the Players (When a spoiled young princess demands to be entertained, young William Shakespeare and his troupe of actors perform a new play for her. Their performance not only entertains her, it also teaches her valuable life lessons. This funny, original play has memorable characters and an important lesson for everyone) with my brother Zack and our Malu. I’ve seen 21 other musicals/plays in past years, and this one has to be my favorite play in Kilgore. Since there were small children, the actors broke the 3rd wall in different moments such as booing King Hector. There were also lines where the actors quoted Shakespeare, such as “To be or not to be, that is the question.” Overall, I had a great time, and my favorite characters had to be Duke Edgar, Princess Isabel, and High-Hat. They were a good example of what friends should be, even though they were at higher levels or lower levels than each other, they still managed to treat each other as equals and that was beautiful. I recommend this play for anyone who has younger siblings or children, a learning experience for us all to enjoy it brings out your inner child.