You’re always up at the break of dawn,

Already getting a start on the day

While everyone else is still trying to get a minute more of sleep,

But nevertheless there you are

Getting ready to go outside or play some Xbox,

Maybe even try and drag me awake as I lay in bed dreaming

But no one can really tune you out,

You’re a pretty cool kid in your own little ways

You bring fun and joy into my own little world,

There is certainly never a dull moment

Whether it be you walking in without knocking or making those weird little faces you do,

I might not always show it but I have the most fun when I’m with you

We don’t really look alike,

With your blue eyes and darker tan to my hazel eyes and pale skin tone

But you and I have a blast,

Sometimes I’m chased up the stairs by a wild animal and you charge the door

And then there are the times where we are superheroes and villians attacking each other or saving the day,

Even though we don’t get along sometimes

I enjoy the times where we forget about it all and zone in to our own little world,

It protects us like a bubble

Here we are at the end of this poem,

And what I want to say

And I mean what I say,

You’re my little brother and I wouldn’t have it any other way.