July 25, 2015: My dad took my brother and I to a Fall Out Boy concert. Well, I got really into it because I enjoy their music; why else? Anyways, I was dancing and my brother would get so angry because I would bump his personal space bubble. That was a good laugh. Moving on, the concert consisted of two different acts before the main act. It went from Hoodie Allen, Wiz Khalifa, and finally Fall Out Boy. I haven’t had this much fun in a very long time, and I just let loose and relax. Fall Out Boy sounded like they do in their albums, and they’re worth seeing live. Patrick Stump is an amazing singer and Pete Wentz was amazing and loud; he’s probably my favorite. But yeah, I haven’t updated for a few days, so I thought I’d add another review for fun. Thanks everyone for the support you’ve shown! Also check out Fall Out Boy, they’re amazing!